Continuous Father
Wowza! It has been a hot second since I have posted! Thedailydoseofjesus came to my mind the other day, and I knew I it was a sign that my love of spreading the good news of the lord needed to be continued! As a matter of fact, it is pretty ironic because it will be one year of on March 12! As I look back at this past year and all of the good, bad, and ok times, I stop to think for a minute about how lucky I, and YOU, are to be loved by our everlasting father! Ok, I know you have probably heard that a million times before, but it really is true! Looking back on everything I went through in the year 2018 and since starting this blog, I am forever thankful. Not just for all of the wondrous moments laughing with friends, spending time in Gods word, and enjoying life, but even for the bad times, the times that make you feel sad and feel as though they will never end. Oftentimes in life we will stray away on a bad path away from God. It is normal, and everyone will always have their high and low moments in their relationship with the Lord. Sometimes you will feel as though you can’t connect, and other times you will feel at a high and crazy about the good news of our father!!!! That is ok. In fact, that ultimately makes us stronger. When we notice ourselves going the wrong way, it helps us stop for a moment to reflect on the present moment. So often I think people compare their journey with the Lord to other people who think they have it all “figured out”. And, if you do, that is amazing! But, life will throw challenges our way that make it hard for us to be still and know that the lord is there. Proverbs 3:5-6 says it best, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” He will make your path straight when it feels like a winding road. He will give you wings when you feel you can’t fly. And the great new is friend, is that he will continue to do this again and again. He isn’t just there for you when you are there for him. Rather, he is there for you even more so when you ARENT with him, helping to lead you back home. No matter where you are in your relationship right now, always remember that he is watching over you each and ever second of the day, and remember to trust his plan for your future and especially his timing! I promise, you will feel more at peace with the knowledge he has given us.