Daily Dose Of Jesus

Be Original

Be Original

So often in life, we try to fit in with those around us or live up to others expectations. We strive to be the funniest, the smartest, the prettiest, the kindest and much more. When we begin to place our identity in being the best in these categories, we begin to loose sight of what really matters. The bible tells us in Isaiah 64: 8, "But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand." The Lord takes who we are and molds us into beautiful pieces. Just like clay, we are often tough to work with and mold, but God does not become fed up with us and throw us away. Instead, he continually molds us and shapes us into his image. Just like a potter, no creation is the same. Potters continually make different designs and figures, and no two creations are exactly alike. This is the same in life: everybody is unique with their own talents and abilities. Stop and think for a second: What am I doing in my life that is making it more difficult for God to mold me? Whether it is trying to fit into someone elses mold, or not living how God calls us to, everybody has something that challenges God to mold the pieces of our life together. The other day during my devotional, I read an analogy about bricks. We are so similar to bricks, yet so different. Just like a brick we can do good things alone, but when we join with others we can achieve amazing things. God calls us to build off one another rather than be alone. Unlike bricks however, we are not all uniform. Each and every person has their own individual roles they play, and we are called to be graceful to others as they find their places. It will take time to search out your role, but with prayer and commitment, God will reveal the amazing things he is doing through you, and how you can spread his word through these things. 1 Peter 4:10-11 "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies- in order than in everything God be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever." Take a moment to reflect on the amazing gifts God has blessed you with, and how you can use these gifts to bring others to Christ. And next time you catch yourself falling into the trap of pleasing others expectations, take a moment to remember what is unique about you. And remember that your gift can work with others gifts to make something amazing. So, BE ORIGINAL!

Daily Dose Of Jesus!



Just love

Just love

"But I love him"

"But I love him"