Daily Dose Of Jesus

Our Ultimate Sacrifice

Our Ultimate Sacrifice

Hello! Its been a while!

With the start of school, I have been longing for the time to dive deep into my biblical studies. Towards the end of summer, I decided to start reading the bible from the very beginning: Genesis. Before this, I had always been the type to read from devotional books and highlight specified verses in my bible. I knew I wanted to further my understanding of biblical stories, and the only way to do so was through studying the gift of God’s words. While the old testament is full of LOTS of death, atonement, and battles, I have found there is so much truth to be told that people, including myself, oftentimes ignore.

I am currently reading Leviticus, and let me tell you… it is far from easy. The constant sacrificial ceremonies, murder of animals, and an endless list of laws leaves me feeling a bit discouraged. But this morning, I was able to reflect and see the Lord’s truth in the chapter of Leviticus. In the old testament, a common process used to make right standing with the Lord is atonement. The shedding of blood usually through animals on the altar, served to establish atonement as a symbol for the substitution of life for life. Throughout the old testament, God was preparing his people for the best to come.

Fast forward to the new testament —— Jesus comes onto earth to be the ultimate atonement for our sins. Because of his death on the cross, we no longer shed blood for our sins. He has shed his blood in order that our sinful live could be saved. How amazing.

One verse I want to touch on is Leviticus 16:20-22. Once Aaron has finished making atonement in the Holy Place, God calls him to bring two goats to the altar. The 1st goat is killed as a living sacrifice, bearing the sins of the nation on its head while the 2nd goat is released into the wilderness.

This sounds a lot like our own condition. Jesus, just like the 1st goat, died on the cross with the weight of our sins so that we no longer have to make atonement for ourselves. He sends us out into the world, just like the 2nd goat, to live a life of freedom.

This brings so much hope into my own life of how amazing our God is. He was willing to die on the cross for me, someone filled with sin and imperfections, so that I could live in freedom. Despite our conditions, the precious blood of our savior, Jesus Christ, saves us from the wrath of death. In him we are made clean.

I pray this truth serves as hope in whatever circumstance you are facing: God has already paid for your sins, and in him, we can find renewal of strength to go out into the wilderness and declare his praise.

Ephesians 2:13 - “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”






Our Father's Connection

Our Father's Connection